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California Police Arrest Alleged Drunken Horseman for DUI: 'Impaired Riding'


In a bizarre incident, California police arrested an alleged drunken horseman for DUI on Wednesday. The man, who has not been identified, was riding his horse down a busy street in Fresno when he was pulled over by officers.

The officers noticed that the man was swaying in the saddle and that his horse was also stumbling. They asked the man to dismount and take a sobriety test. The man failed the test and was arrested for DUI.


The man's horse was also taken away from him and placed in the care of a local animal shelter. The man is scheduled to appear in court next week.

This is the first time that police in Fresno have arrested someone for DUI while riding a horse. The incident has sparked a debate about whether or not it is possible to be impaired while riding a horse.

Some people argue that it is impossible to be impaired while riding a horse because the horse is in control. They say that the horse will know what to do even if the rider is impaired.

Others argue that it is possible to be impaired while riding a horse. They say that the rider's impairment could affect their ability to communicate with the horse and to control the horse's behavior.

The Fresno Police Department has not released any information about the man's blood alcohol content or whether or not he had any drugs in his system. However, they did say that the man was clearly impaired.

"The man was swaying in the saddle and his horse was stumbling," Fresno Police Department spokesperson Officer Mark Hudson said. "He was clearly not in control of his horse or his own body."

Hudson said that the man could have faced serious injury or death if he had continued riding his horse while impaired.

"We are grateful that no one was injured in this incident," Hudson said. "We want to remind everyone that it is important to be responsible when you are around animals. If you are impaired, do not ride a horse."

The incident is a reminder that DUI is a serious offense, regardless of how you are getting around. If you are impaired, do not drive, bike, or ride a horse.

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